Bump! is the world's first and most watched gay and lesbian travel television series. Broadcast internationally, the show features the informative, practical and entertaining travel adventures of sexy gay soap star Charlie David, acclaimed lesbian playwright Shannon McDonough and model J.R. Anderson. Puerto Vallarta Bump says "Hola!" to Puerto Vallarta, the gay paradise on the Mexican Riviera. After a big gay welcome from Mayor Diana DeCost, Charlie makes a beeline for the legendary "Blue Chairs" gay beach where he checks out, er, swimwear on hottie sun worshippers. From there Charlie explores all things gay -- Boanna horseback trail rides, Paco's Paradise -- an island gay resort with the only nude beach in PV, fashion-forward store Bye Curious, and popular gay-owned restaurants Chilies and El Arrayun, before tackling PV's celebrated nightlife, including Palm Bar, hot dance club MaƱana and three floors of fun at Paco Paco. Buy Bump! on DVD now at 10percent.com or Amazon.com